Want to take action for diversity?
Date: 14/5/2017
Statement of Members of the Israeli Venture Capital Community on Diversity
We, members of the Israeli venture capital industry, stand together in our commitment to advance opportunity for women and underrepresented minorities in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Our group comprises 28 venture capital firms with more than $8.5 billion under management invested in nearly 700 startups.
We are committed to foster inclusion and improve diversity in the venture capital and entrepreneurial ecosystems and to developing both near and long term solutions to effect positive change in the Israeli ecosystem.
Recognizing that the Israeli technology industry is a leading innovator in the Israeli economy, we believe that visible leadership is a critical step toward the goal of increasing diversity and therefore both a stronger and more just State of Israel. Our commitment represents the first step in the journey toward building a foundation for a more diverse innovation ecosystem, by supporting the aspirations of everyone who desires to build, innovate and create.
By making this commitment, we will take the following actions:
We will initiate, distribute and participate in a survey to measure the diversity of the Israeli startup ecosystem. The results will be made public in the fall of 2017.
We will adopt HR policies within our firms to create work environments that foster respect and dignity for all. In addition, we will immediately explore and develop a forthcoming set of supportive HR policies.
We will contribute regularly and actively to programs and initiatives that encourage women and underrepresented minorities to consider, pursue and thrive in venture capital and entrepreneurship careers.
We will commit to visible leadership by sharing regularly within our community and throughout our portfolio the best practices that demonstrate a long term commitment to change.